Where is my time going?
So as I start this post I just want to make sure you guys know that this post wont be all venting :)
I for the past two weeks.....oh, what am I kidding.....the past few years, but more lately I have been noticing my struggle with procrastination. I have always been awful with it and it is a hard thing to deal with. I do have ADD and have dealt with it all my life and I have medicine I can take, but most days I would rather try to get things done without it. I only try to take it when I am really needing to get things done. So basically the last two weeks or so I have found it really hard to get motivated to do anything....you would think with the spring coming and nice weather, that I would be excited to get things done. But no, I write my lists, I make the time, but a lot of things just end up being forgotten or pushed aside as a " I will do it later". If I do forget it usually comes back and gets me when I really cannot do anymore than I am doing then. Cleaning is just bogging me down, there is so so much that I want to do to improve our house and I can't do that till the cleaning is done, I am not making the time to call friends that I dearly would love to talk to. With all this, I am putting aside my calling which I am so very blessed to have. The other ladies trust me, and I need to start putting my 100% back in, I guess in the past week I have realized I need to get back on the horse and really give it my all.
I was reminded while thinking the past few days about a scripture in Matthew about Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee and tells Peter and his brothers and some other men to put down their nets and follow him and he will make them fishers of men.....They didnt debate or think "well, maybe later" or " I'm too tired, let me rest, and Ill follow you tomorrow" They put down their nets and followed....no questions asked, they just knew they needed to do it. I wish I had the same perspective on the things in my life. If I do it now, all will be good. I know my mom will respond to this post and remind me of how long I have been procrastinating :) but now that I have come to the realization that my house is not how I want it to be and now I know what I need to do to change it, I am going to turn the TV off more often, keep the laptop closed more during the day, try to call one friend a day that I havnt talked to lately, set aside more time during naps to work on my calling, play with my kids more, I will spend more time reading my scriptures and give James a few more hugs. Tomorrow is a new day, so wish me luck!
So if you have made it this far, thanks :) I appreciate it! So let me tell you about my weekend, we left Nolan here (thank you Judy and Steve!!) and took Gabe to Portland for some much needed Mommy, Daddy, Gabriel time. We enjoyed talking all the way down and hearing Gabriels thoughts on things in life. We had a great Saturday when we went to IKEA......can I just say how much I love that store?!? Then we did a little shopping and then thanks to Mike and Rachel we got to meet up with Erin and Matt and some of James friends from Highschool and went to dinner and enjoyed a complete evening of talking and laughing. On the way home we stopped by Multnomah Falls (pics below) and hiked up....Gabe was so impressed by how big it was. Nolan was happy to see us and I was happy to have him give me a big needed hug.
This week is going to be one of my busiest, I think I will really be needing everyones prayers on me keeping up with my lists of things to do! Heather and I not only have a babyshower cake (Heather doesn't HAVE to, but is so very nice to help for the babyshower one) but a wedding cake to make for the 15th. I have been telling myself it was the 15th....but in my mind I keep saying 28th....???? so we need to start getting cakes made and fondant made and frosting made. We also have to do all of this by next Thursday because Heather is going out of town. My next 7 days are going to be amazing....I am so excited to get all these things done, but a little nervous also. I also get to babysit my neice tomorrow, which I am excited to do, but I think it will put me back in my place and remind me that I am not ready to try for another baby yet...........or......it may be so easy that I will have baby fever by tomorrow afternoon :)
Okay, So I am done talking all your ears off, for whoever is still reading this, you are true friends for listening to me moan and groan. I promise not every post will be me complaining about my flaws!!!!! :)
Here are our pictures from this weekend

I for the past two weeks.....oh, what am I kidding.....the past few years, but more lately I have been noticing my struggle with procrastination. I have always been awful with it and it is a hard thing to deal with. I do have ADD and have dealt with it all my life and I have medicine I can take, but most days I would rather try to get things done without it. I only try to take it when I am really needing to get things done. So basically the last two weeks or so I have found it really hard to get motivated to do anything....you would think with the spring coming and nice weather, that I would be excited to get things done. But no, I write my lists, I make the time, but a lot of things just end up being forgotten or pushed aside as a " I will do it later". If I do forget it usually comes back and gets me when I really cannot do anymore than I am doing then. Cleaning is just bogging me down, there is so so much that I want to do to improve our house and I can't do that till the cleaning is done, I am not making the time to call friends that I dearly would love to talk to. With all this, I am putting aside my calling which I am so very blessed to have. The other ladies trust me, and I need to start putting my 100% back in, I guess in the past week I have realized I need to get back on the horse and really give it my all.
I was reminded while thinking the past few days about a scripture in Matthew about Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee and tells Peter and his brothers and some other men to put down their nets and follow him and he will make them fishers of men.....They didnt debate or think "well, maybe later" or " I'm too tired, let me rest, and Ill follow you tomorrow" They put down their nets and followed....no questions asked, they just knew they needed to do it. I wish I had the same perspective on the things in my life. If I do it now, all will be good. I know my mom will respond to this post and remind me of how long I have been procrastinating :) but now that I have come to the realization that my house is not how I want it to be and now I know what I need to do to change it, I am going to turn the TV off more often, keep the laptop closed more during the day, try to call one friend a day that I havnt talked to lately, set aside more time during naps to work on my calling, play with my kids more, I will spend more time reading my scriptures and give James a few more hugs. Tomorrow is a new day, so wish me luck!
So if you have made it this far, thanks :) I appreciate it! So let me tell you about my weekend, we left Nolan here (thank you Judy and Steve!!) and took Gabe to Portland for some much needed Mommy, Daddy, Gabriel time. We enjoyed talking all the way down and hearing Gabriels thoughts on things in life. We had a great Saturday when we went to IKEA......can I just say how much I love that store?!? Then we did a little shopping and then thanks to Mike and Rachel we got to meet up with Erin and Matt and some of James friends from Highschool and went to dinner and enjoyed a complete evening of talking and laughing. On the way home we stopped by Multnomah Falls (pics below) and hiked up....Gabe was so impressed by how big it was. Nolan was happy to see us and I was happy to have him give me a big needed hug.
This week is going to be one of my busiest, I think I will really be needing everyones prayers on me keeping up with my lists of things to do! Heather and I not only have a babyshower cake (Heather doesn't HAVE to, but is so very nice to help for the babyshower one) but a wedding cake to make for the 15th. I have been telling myself it was the 15th....but in my mind I keep saying 28th....???? so we need to start getting cakes made and fondant made and frosting made. We also have to do all of this by next Thursday because Heather is going out of town. My next 7 days are going to be amazing....I am so excited to get all these things done, but a little nervous also. I also get to babysit my neice tomorrow, which I am excited to do, but I think it will put me back in my place and remind me that I am not ready to try for another baby yet...........or......it may be so easy that I will have baby fever by tomorrow afternoon :)
Okay, So I am done talking all your ears off, for whoever is still reading this, you are true friends for listening to me moan and groan. I promise not every post will be me complaining about my flaws!!!!! :)
Here are our pictures from this weekend
And I have to throw this one in.....this is me and James and Mulnomah falls the day we got engaged. that was almost 7 years ago!!

Thank you all for being great friends. I hope you all have a great week! Hopefully the wind will stop blowing so we can all start spending more time outside in the beautiful sunshine :)
Great pics, Katie. You have such a beautiful family!
I think that you have a good start by starting with some do-able tasks (call one friend a day, for example). It is too overwhelming to write down everything that needs to get done, so stick to what it managable. In Proverbs it says "Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established". This means that we can do what we need to do, even though we don't feel like it, and He will begin to establish the right thoughts in our minds. I have found this to be true in many areas, including procrastination. (I procrastinate too--is it some kind of family trait???)
Have a lovely (and productive) day!
When it rains it pours!! We'll get everything done, it always works out.
Aren't you feeling better now? :) Yeah, me neither.
Hi sweetie-
You're doing fine...and Randi said it just right. Take your medication if you need it and go for it...tackling little bits of things and finishing is better than tackling something huge and not finishing...and then beating yourself up about it.
And YES - it is a family trait...on both sides!!! LOL
Love you...:-)
You are doing an amazing job. Take it one day at a time and enjoy the little moments. The house will always need to be cleaned and the phone calls will always need to be made but enjoy yourself, your hubby and your kids. Do what you can but don't sweat the small stuff. If you need a house cleaning buddy give me call, (I'm in the phone book) the kids would love to play together.
thanks so much ladies, i really appreciate all the kind words....I think I was very overwhelmed last night. I feel better today and have already accomplished much more :)
You've got a crazy busy week! I'm sure you'll get all of it done, and done well!
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