Tuesday, May 10, 2011

January 2011

**After 6 months off, I finally have my blog itch back and I am going to try to revive this little blog o mine...one month at a time.**

Taking on a new task:
We are now in the process of learning how to be parents to a 9 year old girl who is also my niece.....a very energetic, outspoken, Child of God.  The ones she called her "parents" have decided not to be...I could get into the story...but as close friends know, its a never ending story.  James and I know we can offer her what she didn't have and give her a better shot at being a successful young lady. Please keep her in your prayers.

And another:
Yup!! Another baby on the way!!
Due late September!


Blogger Chelsea said...

Kate, I'm loving the updates. Okay, I've seen you with a new "daughter" but I just thought it was a cousin, and I had no idea you were her new parents. I would love to hear about it sometime. Good luck with your whole new BIG family!

May 10, 2011 at 10:59 AM  

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